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Booking and sampling


Place your non-binding email reservation for one of the following genotyping dates:


  • We.,17 April 2024

  • We.,24 April 2024

  • We.,8 Mai 2024

  • We.,12 June 2024


Also tell us what kind of analysis you are interested in.

We will contact you and send you sampling tubes and instructions.

Download order form

Download the Order Form to register your samples and your information details. 


Ship your sample to the laboratory.

IFN Schönow GmbH
Bernauer Allee 10
16321 Bernau bei Berlin

Take your samples

Take your samples following the enclosed instructions.
Samples must consist of either a single worker bee or a mixture of 30 drones antennae. 
You can prepare before receiving the sampling tubes by freezing some of the drone brood.

Your confirmation

Send the order form by email as soon as you have prepared your samples.
Latest confirmation date is Sunday before they need to arrive in the lab.


You will receive your results within 3 weeks.

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